Swedish researchers fed junk food to mice for nine months, and mice showed signs of developing the abnormal brain tangles strongly associated with the incurable disease.
This spells bad news for this rojo caliente.

Vegetarianism never looked so good, mofos.
mr bruce willis that fine fine actor said in fast food nation, and i quote, "there's always been a little shit in the meat."
ok that quote might not be correct but i just watched that movie cuz i've had it on my dvr for a year so it's most likely close.
and really, who the fuck do you think i am, imdb?
cut a cracker some slack.
also, i just want to say that i'm glad i found this blog becuz you two really crack me up and i'm glad you're working together.
Too much of anything is bad. Too little of something can be just as bad. We are omnivores, Kris. I really do hope you ingest non-animal sources of fat, cholesterol, and protein in appropriate amounts as defined by the USDA. Six ounces a day of "meat & beans" and 2200 calories a day for a thirty five year old female of 145 pounds and five feet six inches, with thirty to sixty minutes a day of physical activity, by the way.
I guessed at your height and weight, as well as your level of activity. So I apologize if I goofed.
You can put in the right numbers at mypyramid.gov any way. For instance, I, a 28 year old man that weighs 165 pounds and has thirty to sixty minutes of brisk physical activity, requires a 2800 calorie diet and seven ounces of "meat & beans" a day.
Nuts, olive oil, beans, soy in particular...
I've seen vegetarianism look way better. In Jeremy's Flickr, as it happens.
Damn. I really suck.
No, Scoot. It's cool. I overreact sometimes.
Ask anyone.
But don't ask Jeremy.
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