Monday, December 15, 2008

Is it me, or is Madonna starting to look like Carol Channing?

It's not easy blogging, you guys. Especially when your blogging partner spends his time locked away in all-day seminars, forcing you to maintain this goddamned thing all by yourownself.

But I get by.

So I'm out for drinks with the girls on Saturday and Missy starts talking about how she went to see the Madonna concert last month, and that her seats were so good she was actually able to see Madonna's plastic surgery face and we all agreed that she's starting to look like a skeleton covered with loose flesh. Madonna, not Missy.

And the consensus was that Madonna could maybe be mistaken for Carol Channing at this point, or a Carol Channing with ropy arms and gappy teeth. Thoughts?


nitewalk6 said...

That is frightening. I've seen clown faces look better.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Some people say that I look like Carol Channing/Madonna's love child. But those people are technically blind. Love your sites, I didn't know how to make them favorites or how to follow but now I do and I'm dangerous.

Krissyface said...


The Third String said...

I guess we all get older...

Krissyface said...

yeah, but we don't all have to look like Carol Channing.

It's a choice, my friend. A choice.

Anonymous said...

I think CC looks a little better in those shots.