Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The last thing Jeremy posted on this blog was a picture of a turkey's ass.

I think it's high time he started pulling his weight around here.

What could possibly be keeping him from contributing to our blog?

Here are some thoughts...

"Hmmmm...I'm worried I don't have anything funny to say..."

"I am busy. Doing stuff. With my nose. Like, picking it. And pressing it flat. And stuff."

"I'm just plain terrified, Kristin. TERRIFIED."

Let's tell him it'll be okay. And that he should come back. And that we miss him.
So very very much...


jeremy said...

it's hard to blog when you spend so much time in airports and/or airplanes.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Don't airports and / or airplanes have internet access these days?

Krissyface said...


jeremy said...

airports do, but not generally for free.

Anonymous said...

I miss you, J-dawg. And I understand how hard it is to blog from a BlackBerry, too.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

I love those wigs! The purple bush looks like the savage garden that lurks out from my chest or maybe its from my pants. Sasquatch power!

Anonymous said...

I think you should change the url of this blog so that it has the words "eleven" and "blog" in it a few more times.