You know, I'm surfing the crimson wave. Riding the red hobby horse. Having my red dot special. Dig?
Anyways, I sometimes like to go to the Rite Aid after work and peruse the feminine hygiene aisles to see if there is anything new and exciting to help with my ladytime.
I came across this ridiculousness.

Now, come the fuck on.
A maxi pad to go inside a THONG?!
What crazy bitch wears a thong when she's menstruating anyway, I do not know. But to place a pad in there? Does this seem out of wack to anyone besides me?
The reason that exists is the same reason Pringles made salt and honey pretzel sticks. Stayfree is a publicly traded company that has to show its stockholders that it is innovating. One way it does that is through new product launches.
It doesn't really matter if it makes sense or not.
So the thong becomes the string for the external tampon.
What better time could there by to advertise your ass?
haha! I really can't imagine!
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