Happy Friday, lovers.
I'm kicking off '09 with a shiny-new, ongoing installment to
11:11, called,
"What ever happened to..."I thought this would be a fun little series for us all to look forward to weekly, because
a. I know so goddamned much stuff, it'd take a lifetime for me to share it with all of you. So I'd better start now. Maybe Jeremy knows something too, and would like to participate in the series. Wouldn't that be fun???
b. I am a lazy fuck and by the end of the week I am tired of blogging about things like my stray gray pubic hairs and funny crap my kid says and of stealing videos and photos from other people's blogs. Even though I know you people eat that shit up.
So here we are. I thought we'd start today with the fascinating life history of
Willie Aames.
Many of of you (maybe I'm wrong about this) remember Willie as the cute older brother on the show "Eight is Enough". More of you probably remember him though as retard sidekick
Buddy to Chachi's "Charles in Charge".
Fun fact: This dynamic duo also starred together in the smash hit 80's teen sex romp, "Zapped".

Willie was cute in that dirty Apple Pie American Bad Boy kind of way (think Chris Atkins in "A Night in Heaven". Oh, but that movie made my pre-pubescent girl parts throb).
This is what Willie looks like now.
The man'sclearly seen some hard times. After surviving childhood abuse, Willie turned to the bottle and the drugs during his high times as an 80's teen idol. Then it all came crashing down and he moved to Kansas and sobered up and became a born-again Christian.
Surprising? Not so much.
He parlayed his newfound Jesusness and his acting talent into the creation/portrayal of
I shit you not.

Here is an excerpt from one of the (unbelievably numerous) Bibleman DVDs (available online! There are also coloring books!):
Bibleman Powersource Series:
Crushing the Conspiracies of the Cheater DVD
You wouldn’t expect the issue of cheating to be a problem at Bible Bowl competitions. Then again, most Bible Bowls aren’t plagued by a guy in black, sporting a dastardly “Belittler” on his belt-buckle. Meet The Cheater.
Young Jake and Emily are snared by the sneaky little dude, lured by the promise of guaranteed success without hard work. But thanks to the help of the Bible Adventure Team—Cypher, Melody, Biblegirl and Bibleman—the kids are able to resist the slick con-man just in time to do the right thing.
Features a special appearance by Rick & Bubba as the Whine Brothers.Anyway, Willie had a rough go of it this past Thanksgiving. After falling off the wagon, he locked himself in a motel room with a bottle of Jack and slit his own throat.
He's still alive, though. He spent some time in the psych ward and got back on track and I am confident that we'll still see some very interesting things from him in the future.
Good luck to you, Willie.

Keep on reaching for the stars. Go on, now.
And happy weekend, motherfuckers.