Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A jolly good man is hard to find

Not every guy would be willing to climb into a sweatbox of a Santa suit (with boots! and belt!!! Even glasses, too!!!) just to fulfill his girl's kinky weird childhood fantasies.

Then, don it a couple days later when girlfriend's small child spys said Santa suit sticking out from a suitcase and asks him to please put it on.

For Mama

For Baby

If you ask me, that's a good man right there.


nitewalk6 said...

So does Santa really have a big sack stuffed with toys for girls and boys?

jeremy said...

the width of four sacks.

nitewalk6 said...


Anonymous said...

He's "Buddy Lee" good.

Krissyface said...

It's ample, but not the width of four sacks.