Thursday, January 22, 2009

What what in the butt

All this talk of back door entry is making me giggly.

Here's a weekend video to enjoy, you fucking perverts.



The Self-Deprechaun said...

What? What?
In the butt?

This is a prison anthem. me likey

Krissyface said...

This is dedicated to my newest fan, THE SODOMIZER!!!

You know who you are.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Any ways, I am not getting harassed by him anymore... either Google has done something, or he has gotten bored with us and is harassing other folks.

Or he's lying in wait, hoping for us to return to a sense of security...

God damn it. I want Micky arrested with international terrorism laws.

kimberkara said...

I LOVE this video. It makes me want to be a gay man who wears lip gloss! It makes me want to stick things up my boyfriends ass! Thanks!

nitewalk6 said...

I also notified blogger trying to register him as a spammer.

Anonymous said...

I'm not your newest fan.

Anonymous said...

And buttfucking's not even my main move! I mean, I excel at it, sure...