Now THIS is a worthwhile cause.
Why eat dead bird when you can enjoy a delicious NON-MEAT alternative, and save the life of a living thing at the same time???
At Thanksgiving this year, why not PRACTICE grace while saying it?
Get me? Do ya punk? Huh?



A vegan holiday table. Now that's what I call a horn of plenty.
Think about it.
I thought about it. Essentially, turkey is too delicious, there is no way that a vegan susbstitute could replace all of the jobs lost if the turkey industry were to go into recession, and I really can't empathize with a creature that has been bred to be stupid.
For dietary, economic, and asshole reasons, I must decline your suggestion for a cruelty free Thanksgiving.
Scoot, that's honest.
But just because an animal is 'bred to be stupid' doesn't mean it cannot feel pain.
All I do is spread information. You may do with it what you wish.
Have a great day!
information, or propaganda?
I'd eat it.
how is that propaganda?
All acts of disseminating information that enforces one's point of view are acts of propaganda.
Propaganda just has a bad reputation. A person sending you a LOLcat has just sent you a piece of propaganda, though.
LOLcats: Propagandizing the idea that cats who can't spell are cute.
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