(Joey Buttafuoco and Amy Fisher used '007' as their secret code when they were paging each other...sooo clandestine and sexy!)
And since I'm from Long Island, I'm very interested in all things Amy Fisher.
So of course I snap a picture of it. The license plate, that is.
Then I come to find out that Jeremy hasn't seen "Lethal Lolita: The Amy Fisher Story".
So I thought I'd help him out with that.
I think you can get it on the Netflix, Jeremy. I'm sure you can.
There were actually three Amy Fisher movies that came out around the same time (1993?), but that one's actually my favorite. The other version starred a very horrid Alyssa Milano doing a terrible Nassau County accent and wearing white stretchy pants.
The third version starred Drew Barrymore. And I cannot find it ANYWHERE online. Drew's people probably had any clips of it pulled from the Youtube because
a. the performance is true camp and trash...I guess it was before Drew took acting lessons
b. Drew is like a legitimate producer/actress now. But she storms around in mini skirts and this black Elvira wig that is just unimaginably hilarious.

So, sorry, Jeremy, I did my best.
i am amazed that i haven't seen any of these.
i kinda like white stretchy pants and miniskirts.
Not into wigs tho......
Just sayin'
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